DIARIO - 8. Ingredients necessary to the growth and developmet of a child from an emotional point of view

Philadelphia, September 26th, 2007

  • Love, praise, acceptance, warmth, stimulation, individualization, socialization, opportunity of extra familial experiences, appropiate behavior models, safety.
  • If the attachment betwwen the infant and the parent or caretaker does not form, there is already emotional neglect in that the infant is not getting what s(he) needs.
  • The child who lives in a condition where s(he) is not accepted or understood by the parents does not have the necessary emotional stability for growing and development into responsible adulthood.
  • Families in which emotional abuse and neglect occur often find it diffciult to communicate their needs and wants to one another.
  • Emotional abuse may be a by-product of child abuse and neglect.
  • If the child lives in a home environment that is impredictable, it is usually unpredictable for the adults, too. If the child lives in a home situation that is isolated physically or emotionally from other people, the adults have the same environment.
  • Children are usually unhappy, have poor capabilities with object relations and have impaired peer relationships. 


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